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  1. 29 de nov. de 2023 · Henry Kissinger muere a los 100 años, marcó la historia de EE. UU. en la Guerra Fría. Fue el secretario de Estado más poderoso de la posguerra, célebre y vilipendiado a la vez.

  2. 29 de nov. de 2023 · Kissinger himself had moved on to think about new challenges: At age 95, the man who six decades earlier had written one of the first popular books about how nuclear weapons were remaking global ...

  3. 29 de nov. de 2023 · Henry Kissinger Is Dead at 100; Shaped the Nation’s Cold War History. The most powerful secretary of state of the postwar era, he was both celebrated and reviled.

  4. FILE - Henry Kissinger, left, President Richard Nixon’s national security adviser, and Le Duc Tho, member of Hanoi’s Politburo, are shown outside a suburban house at Gif Sur Yvette in Paris, June 13, 1973, after a negotiation session, as Kissinger announced that they will later initial an agreement intended to tighten enforcement of the Vietnam Peace Agreement.

  5. El nombre de Henry Kissinger, quien murió este miércoles a los 100 años, marcó la política exterior de EE.UU. durante décadas, a raíz de su gestión como secretario de Estado del presidente ...

  6. 30 de nov. de 2023 · Kissinger left government service in 1977, but he continued to be a prolific commentator on public affairs. His counsel was sought by a dozen US presidents - from John F Kennedy to Joe Biden - as ...

  7. 30 de nov. de 2023 · Durante años, Henry Kissinger modeló la política exterior estadounidense como nadie. Como consejero de Seguridad Nacional y secretario de Estado bajo la pres...

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