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  1. Twink es un término del argot gay inglés que describe a hombres homosexuales jóvenes que apenas han superado la mayoría de edad. Suelen ser personas con aspecto de adolescente o adulto joven, con cuerpo delgado, ectomorfo, usualmente lampiño, o con poca cantidad de vello corporal o facial.

  2. Twink [1] es un término subcultural utilizado por hombres no-heterosexuales, refiriéndose a aquellos hombres que desafían los estereotipos tradicionales de masculinidad al abrazar ciertos rasgos asociados con la feminidad.

  3. 7 de nov. de 2023 · El término "Twink" es una expresión de la jerga gay que se utiliza para describir a hombres homosexuales jóvenes, delgados y con apariencia juvenil, generalmente en el rango de edades de 14 a...

  4. Twink is gay slang for a man who is usually (but not always) in his late teens to twenties whose traits may include a slim to average physique, a youthful appearance, little or no body hair, and flamboyancy.

  5. Twink is a emerging Gender Expression from the Twink subculture. It embraces youthful male appearance. Twinks are typically associated with a few key tropes: general physical attractiveness, a slim build, and a youthful appearance that lacks facial hair and often body hair as well.

  6. At its most basic level, “twink” is a colloquial term used in LGBTQ+ spaces to refer to young, thin gay men in their late teens and early 20s; in the public imagination, they are often (but ...

  7. 27 de ene. de 2021 · Twink is gay slang for a young man in his late teens to early twenties whose traits may include: general physical attractiveness; little to no body or facial hair; a slim to average build; and a youthful appearance that may belie an older chronological age.

  8. TWINK Significado, definición, qué es TWINK: 1. a gay man who is young, slim, and looks like a boy 2. a gay man who is young, slim, and looks…. Aprender más.

  9. 14 de may. de 2018 · By gay male standards, he’s the ultimate twink. Although the origin of the term has been disputed — some trace its history to “twank,” 1920s British slang for a client of gay male ...

  10. Sustantivo masculino [ editar] 1 LGBT. Hombre joven atractivo, esbelto y usualmente carente de vello corporal, generalmente en un contexto gay. 2. Un hombre débil y afeminado, sea gay o no. Uso: despectivo.

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