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  1. Battlefield Earth is een Amerikaanse sciencefictionfilm uit 2000 onder regie van Roger Christian. Het verhaal is gebaseerd op dat uit de gelijknamige roman van L. Ron Hubbard . [1] Battlefield Earth kreeg enkel negatieve kritieken en slaagde er niet in zijn productiekosten terug te verdienen.

  2. Loaded with edge-of-your-seat action, Battlefield Earth creates a totally new style of science fiction filmmaking. Earth: It is the year 3000. Man is an endangered species.

  3. Loaded with edge-of-your-seat action, Battlefield Earth creates a totally new style of science fiction filmmaking. Earth: It is the year 3000. Man is an endangered species.

  4. 14 de may. de 2024 · In Battlefield Earth the action begins immediately—and never stops!. You’ll thrill to this epic sci-fi adventure in which a technologically advanced race of 9-foot-tall aliens with razor-sharp claws has overrun our planet … and humanity has become an endangered species.

  5. In the year 3000, man is no match for the Psychlos, a greedy, manipulative race of aliens on a quest for ultimate profit. Led by the powerful Terl, the Psychlos are stripping Earth clean of its natural resources, using the broken remnants of humanity as slaves. What is left of the human race has descended into a near primitive state. After being captured, it is up to Tyler to save mankind.

  6. 12 de may. de 2000 · Battlefield Earth (2000-05-12T12:00:00+00:00) En el año 3000 ya no existen ciudades ni naciones, la Tierra es un yermo desolado y la raza humana está a punto de extinguirse. Desde hace mil años, una malvada raza de alienígenas, los Psychlo, aniquilaron las defensas terrestres y esclavizaron a los hombres.

  7. 5 de mar. de 2024 · Battlefield Earth Summary Jonnie Goodboy Tyler decided to leave his tribe that lives in the ruins of the Rocky Mountains and explore the lowlands. Jonnie is depressed by the death of his father and the sickly adults in theg tribe and wants to disprove their superstitions of the monsters that reside in the lowlands.