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  1. Los Smilers son entidades altamente peligrosas que se pueden encontrar en los Backrooms. Los Smilers son generalmente hostiles y se han confirmado muchos avistamientos de ellos. Se pueden identificar por sus característicos ojos reflectantes y sus dientes que brillan en la oscuridad.

  2. Smilers, also known as "Night Hunters", are an intelligent and highly dangerous species of spectral entities. Found throughout the Backrooms on several levels, these beings thrive in dark, damp areas, and pose an extreme threat to all who come across them.

  3. Smilers are generally hostile, and there have been many confirmed sightings of them. They can be identified by their signature reflective eyes and teeth gleaming in the dark. The best way to escape a Smiler is to keep eye contact.

  4. Los Smilers se sienten atraídos por la luz y perseguirán cualquier cosa que vea con una luz, por lo que distraerlo arrojándole una fuente de luz sería genial para escapar. La entidad solo comenzará a atacar si entras en pánico y te retiras, o si haces un ruido fuerte.

  5. 27 de ago. de 2023 · Smilers” hide in dark hallways, dark corners, and almost anywhere dark. “Smilers” are attracted to people experiencing fear of the unknown, usually of an unknown entity (usually thought of as monsters) or threat.

  6. Smilers, also known as The Smiling Things or The Night Hunters, are treacherous entities that roam most of The Backrooms' levels. The only distinguishable features of Smilers are their beady eyes and the enormous grins carved across their faces — the only things which reflect light.

  7. 5 de abr. de 2024 · The Smiling Room is a dangerous secret level of the Backrooms. It is the level with the most documented Smilers.