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  1. Nick attends a party with Tom and Myrtle in New York, where he meets Gatsby's mysterious rival. He also sees the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg, a symbol of God's judgment, and the valley of ashes, a symbol of moral decay.

  2. Need help with Chapter 2 in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby? Check out our revolutionary side-by-side summary and analysis.

  3. Chapter II. About half-way between West Egg and New York the motor road hastily joins the railroad and runs beside it for a quarter of a mile, so as to shrink away from a cer­tain desolate area of land.

  4. Resumen. El segundo capítulo comienza con la descripción de un espacio importante en la novela: el valle de cenizas que queda a mitad de camino entre West Egg y Nueva York. Es un espacio intermedio, lleno de polvo, humo y suciedad, con una carretera y pocos negocios destartalados.

  5. Nick describes the valley of ashes, a symbol of the failures of the American Dream, and attends a party with Tom and Myrtle. He observes their affairs, their clothes, and their attitudes, and learns about Gatsby's mysterious past.

  6. Chapter Two. The second chapter begins with a description of the valley of ashes, a dismal, barren wasteland halfway between West Egg and New York. A pair of enormous eyes broods over the valley from a large, decaying billboard.

  7. Learn about Tom's double life, his mistress Myrtle, and the valley of ashes in this chapter of The Great Gatsby. Find out the key quotes, themes, and interpretations of the novel's second chapter.