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  1. Once Macbeth stops struggling against his ambition, the conflict shifts. It then primarily exists between Macbeth and the other characters, in particular Banquo and Macduff, who challenge his authority. Macbeth is the protagonist in the sense that he is the main focus of the narrative and that audiences frequently have access to his point of view.

  2. Macbeth writes to his wife telling her of what has happened and the King’s plans. Lady Macbeth, seeing the opportunity, plots with her husband how they might kill Duncan when he arrives. After initial enthusiasm, Macbeth changes his mind, but Lady Macbeth persuades him to carry out the deed.

  3. Macbeth Summary. Macbeth, a victorious general, receives a prophecy from three witches that he will eventually become king. His friend Banquo also receives a prophecy that he will father a line of kings. He is initially skeptical, but he soon begins to entertain aspirations of becoming king.

  4. Macbeth: Detailed Summary & Analysis. In-depth summary and analysis of every scene of Macbeth. Visual theme-tracking, too. Macbeth: Themes. Explanations, analysis ...

  5. 20 de may. de 2022 · Macbeth de William Shakespeare se passa na Escócia no século 11 dC, e conta a história de Macbeth, barão de Glamis, e de sua ambição de se tornar rei.Esta tragédia shakespeariana é vagamente baseada em fontes históricas, a saber, as Crônicas de Holinshed , e há documentação histórica sobre vários personagens, incluindo Macbeth, Duncan e Malcolm.

  6. A summary of Act 1: Scenes 1–4 in William Shakespeare's Macbeth. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of Macbeth and what it means. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans.

  7. Summary of key events in Macbeth from Act 1 to Act 3, Scene 3 Summary and Detailed Explanation of Macbeth's Acts and Scenes The summary and significance of the banquet scene in Macbeth