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  1. ver Bandera do Myanmar Mapa de Localização. Myanmar, Mianmar, Mianmá, Miamar ou Birmânia (oficialmente União de Myanmar) é um país do sul da Ásia continental limitado ao norte e nordeste pela China, a leste pelo Laos, a sudeste pela Tailândia, ao sul pelo Mar de Andamão e pelo Canal do Coco, a oeste pelo golfo de Bengala e a noroeste por Bangladexe e pela Índia.

  2. When the country's regulations on censorship were loosened in 2000, new pop groups emerged across Myanmar who were able to compose, record and perform original Burmese music. Many pop groups emerged throughout Myanmar such as Electronic Machine, Playboy, ELF Myanmar and the King. In August 2012, state censorship on music was officially abolished.

  3. Year 2021 is a major year in Myanmar, particularly after the February 1 coup d'état. As hundreds of thousands of Myanmar citizens held major protests across Myanmar, the military junta cracked down on protesters. These crackdowns later turned violent and caused the deaths of more than 700 people across Myanmar.

  4. Myanmar (Burma) is an ethnically diverse nation with 135 distinct ethnic groups officially recognised by the Burmese government. These are grouped into eight "major national ethnic races": Bamar

  5. Lower Myanmar was centred at Rangoon, and composed of all of the coast of modern Myanmar, and also the lower basin of the Irrawaddy River, including Prome. Until the early 19th century, Lower Myanmar was predominantly populated by the Mon and Karen tribes and was a historical stronghold of the Mon people.

  6. The economy of Myanmar is the seventh largest in Southeast Asia. After the return of civilian rule in 2011, the new government launched large-scale reforms, focused initially on the political system to restore peace and achieve national unity and moving quickly to an economic and social reform program.

  7. Os birmanes ou "bramás" (atualmente a etnia principal de Myanmar) começaram a migrar do reino de Nan chao (Iunã) para o vale do Irauádi a partir do século VII e, em 849, fundaram um pequeno reino com centro em Bagan. No reinado de Anawrahta (944-1077), a influência de Pagan expandiu-se para o território aproximado ao de Myanmar atual.