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  1. 11 de jul. de 2024 · Wetlands International is a global not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the conservation and restoration of wetlands. Our vision is a world where wetlands are treasured and nurtured for their beauty, the life they support and the resources they provide.

  2. wetlands.plWetlands

    Celem projektu Wetlands Green Life jest ochrona oraz przywrócenie kluczowych dla klimatu i bioróżnorodności funkcji torfowisk, bagien i terenów podmokłych. Efektem będzie stworzenie warunków do wdrożenia Priorytetowych Ram Działań (PAF) na obszarach podmokłych sieci Natura 2000 oraz Zielonej Infrastruktury w Polsce.

  3. 13 de oct. de 2023 · O que são wetlands? Wetland é uma palavra composta de origem no inglês, em que wet significa molhado e land significa terra, ou seja, "terra molhada". Wetlands são sistemas projetados para formarem lagoas ou canais rasos que abrigam plantas aquáticas. Mas também existem as wetlands naturais, como pântanos, manguezais e banhados (poças).

  4. wetlands è una casa editrice dedicata ai temi della sostenibilità sociale e ambientale. La proposta editoriale si muove nei territori di intersezione tra fiction e non-fiction, promuovendo testi di carattere ambientale, urbanistico, sociale, antropologico e culturale.

  5. Wetlands occur where water meets land. They include mangroves, peatlands and marshes, rivers and lakes, deltas, floodplains and flooded forests, rice-fields, and even coral reefs. Wetlands exist in every country and in every climatic zone, from the polar regions to the tropics, and from high altitudes to dry regions. Read more...

  6. wetlands to be included in the Ramsar List of internationally important wetlands: “may incorporate riparian and coastal zones adjacent to the wetlands, and islands . or bodies of marine water deeper than six metres at low tide lying within the wetlands”. Five major wetland types are generally recognized: • marine

  7. On World Wetlands Day, WHO celebrates the vital role of wetlands in safeguarding human health and wellbeing amid the changing climate. Wetlands including marshes, swamps and floodplains are nature’s buffer against climate change.

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