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  1. 19 de ene. de 2023 · La reconocida estrella de rock Paul Stanley es conocida por su cabello largo y la mayoría de sus fanáticos creen que la estrella usa una peluca para ocultar su calvicie. Siga leyendo para encontrar la verdad.

  2. 19 de ene. de 2023 · Renowned rock star Paul Stanley is known for his long hair, and most fans think the star wears a wig to hide his baldness. Read further to find the truth.

  3. The Paul Stanley one is fake, it's photoshopped. Somewhere on the internet you can find the original pic which is of Bruce Willis, with the exact same pose and clothing. The Gene one is from Family Jewels, where he wore a bald cap as a prank.

  4. The pictures of him where he is completely bald are fake but he does wear a wig while he’s performing. There are videos of him before a show without makeup and his hair is a lot shorter than in the clips later that night when he’s performing live.

  5. 27 de abr. de 2019 · For KISS singer Paul Stanley, long hair is more than just a cool look, but a way to hide a rare physical deformity he has had since birth, the Rock and Roll Hall of Famer revealed earlier this week.

  6. 20 de ene. de 2019 · Cuando el médico falleció, el 5 de mayo de 2017, Paul Stanley publicó su retrato y un posteo en su muro de Facebook que decía: "Mi querido amigo el Dr. Frederic Rueckert ha muerto a los 95 años.

  7. 20 de ene. de 2022 · Paul Stanley, miembro fundador y vocalista de Kiss, cumple hoy 70 años, una leyenda del rock que logró trascender de una vida de pobreza, discriminación y padecimiento.