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  1. noun. a piece of startling news. bomba. His sudden resignation was a real bombshell. slang. a sexy woman. bombón, mujer despampanante. a blonde bombshell. (Traducción de bombshell del Diccionario PASSWORD Inglés-Español © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd)

  2. Traducción de 'bombshell' en el diccionario gratuito de inglés-español y muchas otras traducciones en español.

  3. a sudden and often unpleasant piece of news: drop a bombshell My sister dropped a bombshell by announcing she was leaving her job. SMART Vocabulary: palabras y expresiones relacionadas. Information and messages. advance notice. advance warning. advertisement. aide-mémoire. ammunition.

  4. bombshell n: figurative (sexy woman) bombón nm (México, coloquial) mamacita nf (México) cuero nm (figurado) mujer explosiva loc nom f: bombshell n: figurative (shocking news) (figurado) bombazo nm : The news was a bombshell that shook the nation. bombshell n (bomb, explosive) bomba nf : explosivo nm : obús nm : The war museum had several ...

  5. 1 (Mil, formerly) obús m , granada f. 2 (fig) [+of news etc] bomba f. it fell like a bombshell cayó como una bomba. 3 *. (=attractive woman) she was a real bombshell era todo un bombón *. → blond (e) Traducción diccionario Collins Inglés - Español.

  6. A bombshell is a sudden piece of bad or unexpected news. His resignation after thirteen years is a political bombshell. Inglés americano : bombshell / ˈbɒmʃɛl /

  7. Traducción de "bombshell" en español. After dropping a bombshell like that, you owe me big. Después de tirar un bomba como esa, me debes un favor. As far as my delegation is concerned, this is a bombshell. En lo que respecta a mi delegación, esto es como una bomba. And on that bombshell, it is time to end.