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  1. Nivel 18 - Destroy Plague Carriers. 1.-. Habla con Master Ellenia en el edificio principal de Elven Village. 2.-. Mata Sukar Wererats (nivel 18 pasivos) y Sukar Wererats Leaders (nivel 19 agro) para conseguir Wererat’s Fangs, y mata Varool Foulclaw que a veces te dara una Varool Foulclaw’s Fang.

  2. Destroy Plague Carriers. The ratmen, known by Elves as “the plague carriers,” were responsible for an epidemic in the Elven Forest and once fought on the side of the Dark Elves. Understandably, the Elves harbor great bitterness towards them.

  3. A walkthrough on my Plainswalker of the Lineage 2 quest Destroy Pleague Carriers in elven village. Use this quest once your elf has hit level 18 to farm quick adena in Lineage 2!

  4. Lineage 2 C1 Quest Destroy Plague Carriers (Lv 18) ... Lineage 2 C1 Quest Destroy Plague Carriers (Lv 18)Next opening L2 C1 Server Elmorelab X1 30/09/2022.https: ...

  5. The ratmen, who the Elves call ‘the plague carriers,’ spread an epidemic in the Elven Forest and once fought for the Dark Elves. Because of this, the Elves have bitterness against them. Master Ellenia asks you to eliminate the ratmen that are nesting in the Elven Underground Fortress.

  6. Tema: Quest Nivel 18 - Destroy Plague Carriers Sáb Abr 17, 2010 6:11 pm: Me gusta No me gusta : Quest Nivel 18 - Destroy Plague Carriers : Página 1 de 1. Temas ...

  7. Destroy Plague Carriers. The Elves have never forgiven the ratmen for introducing plague into their sacred Elven Forest. Not to mention their unholy alliance with the Dark Elves that resulted in the deaths of thousands of Elves! Master Ellenia is recruiting volunteers to destroy the filthy beasts.