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  1. So far, we have used a break statement inside each case block. For example, case 2: console.log("Monday"); break; The break statement terminates the execution of switch-case once a matching case has been found.

  2. 17 de jun. de 2013 · The case statements are checked in order against the value you give in the switch. (And again, lower bounds could be omitted in many cases because they would have matched earlier.)

  3. 24 de jul. de 2021 · The switch statement evaluates an expression and allows different blocks of code to execute depending on the result of that expression. It contains any number of case clauses marking code to execute based on values returned by the expression, and an optional default statement marking code that executes if none of the case clauses are true. The code following a matching case clause will execute ...

  4. 12 de jun. de 2015 · The switch statement that Gumbo wrote won't work for count >= 4, for much the same reason that Gumbo's original if statement won't work: Because the cases are evaluated in sequence, count >= 4 implies that the second case (count > 3) will be executed; so the script will never reach the test for count >= 4.

  5. 23 de ago. de 2013 · Code execution continues past the closing switch bracket. The return statement in the example code will indeed prevent further of anything past it, including other case statements and anything following the switch block. I put a break statement in every case by habit.

  6. › Statements › switchswitch - JavaScript | MDN

    Si on exécute cet exemple, on aura l'erreur Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'message' has already been declared qui n'est probablement pas le résultat espéré.. Cela se produit car la première instruction let message = 'bonjour'; entre en conflit avec let message = 'coucou'; bien qu'elles soient rattachées à deux instructions case distinctes case 'dire_bonjour': et case 'dire_coucou ...

  7. 11 de abr. de 2011 · @Alejandro Martin : Switch statements are useful because they provide code that is more concise and more readable. Your example requires more lines than are necessary, and the code is far less clear than the equivalent if-then-else structure.