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  1. Man In Red Bandana is a documentary film about the inspirational story of American hero - Welles Remy Crowther - who saved many lives on September 11th. ;Tragically, he died that day, but his heroics only became known 8 months later as a result of an ordinary item ... a red

  2. The inspiring story of an equities trader and volunteer firefighter who lost his life saving at least 10 people in the World Trade Center on 9/11.

  3. The inspiring story of an equities trader and volunteer firefighter who lost his life saving at least 10 people in the World Trade Center on 9/11.

  4. The inspiring story of an equities trader and volunteer firefighter who lost his life saving at least 10 people in the World Trade Center on 9/11.

  5. The inspiring story of an equities trader and volunteer firefighter who lost his life saving at least 10 people in the World Trade Center on 9/11.

  6. Man In Red Bandana sigue las horas finales de un héroe estadounidense misterioso que dio su vida en la Torre Sur el 9/11 para salvar a otros. Relatos de primera mano de aquellos a quienes rescató, hablan de un hombre que usaba una bandana roja, la única pista que llevaría a la revelación de su verdadera identidad: Welles Remy Crowther.