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  1. ウィンチェスター・カレッジ(Winchester College)は「ザ・ナイン」と呼ばれるパブリックスクールのうち最古の伝統を誇る、1382年に創設されたイギリスの男子全寮制パブリックスクール。ハンプシャー州のウィンチェスターに位置する。

  2. Richard Foster (ed.), 50 Treasures from Winchester College (London, 2019) Paul Quarrie, Winchester College and the King James Bible (Winchester, 2011) History of the Library. Walter Oakeshott, ‘Winchester College Library before 1750’, The Library, 5th series, vol 9:1 (1954), pp. 1-16.

  3. Winchester College é uma escola privada masculina, situada na cidade britânica de Winchester, antiga capital saxônica da Inglaterra. Suas denominações oficiais são Collegium Sanctae Mariae prope Wintoniam , Collegium Beatae Mariae Wintoniensis prope Winton , ou St Mary's College near Winchester .

  4. Winchester College was founded by William of Wykeham (1324-1404), who rose from unexceptional social origins to become Bishop of Winchester and Chancellor of England. Wykeham owed his education to one or more wealthy Hampshire patrons; his abilities as an architect and builder attracted him to increasingly powerful employers, including, finally, the King.

  5. › admissions › feesWinchester College | Fees

    For pupils starting at Winchester from September 2025 onwards, an annual charge of £1,200 will be payable for each pupil requiring Winchester College to support a Child Student Visa or Student Visa application.

  6. Would Winchester College be a good school for my son? Winchester College has its own unique way of doing things, to the point of having its own unique language. Suitable boys will need to not only accept this, but enthusiastically throw themselves in to the culture of history, heritage and excellence.

  7. Het Winchester College is een privé-jongensschool in de stad Winchester in Hampshire, Engeland. De officiële naam is Collegium Sanctae Mariae prope Wintoniam. Het motto van de school is Manners makyth man, ofwel 'Manieren maken de mens'. De school is de oudste school van Engeland die onafgebroken in hetzelfde gebouw gevestigd is.