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  1. Switching Details. If multiple cases matches a case value, the first case is selected.. If no matching cases are found, the program continues to the default label.. If no default label is found, the program continues to the statement(s) after the switch.

  2. 16 de feb. de 2013 · JavaScript has both. In a switch statement, the comparison with the cases is via ===, and a string instance is not === to a string primitive. Three ways to fix it: If you change your switch to: switch (String(this)) { ...that will turn it back into a primitive, whereupon your switch works.

  3. 15 de abr. de 2024 · Each switch statement in a nested switch must be properly closed with a break statement to avoid falling through to the next case. Nested switch statements can make your code more complex, so they should be used sparingly and only when necessary. Nested switch statements provide a way to handle complex conditions in your Javascript code.

  4. 9 de abr. de 2021 · Now that you know how the switch statement works, let's learn when you should use switch statement instead of an if..else statement. When to use the switch statement. Both the switch statement and if..else statement are used to create conditionals. The rule of thumb is that the switch statement is only used when you have a precise value for the ...

  5. 20 de jun. de 2017 · Learn how to use the switch statement in JavaScript to execute different blocks of code based on the value of an expression. The switch statement can be a concise and efficient way to handle multiple cases and avoid long if-else chains. This page provides syntax, examples, and tips for using the switch statement.

  6. 20 de jun. de 2017 · The switch statement evaluates an expression, matching the expression's value to a case clause, and executes statements associated with that case.. Syntax switch (expression) { case value1: //Statements executed when the result of expression matches value1 [break;] case value2: //Statements executed when the result of expression matches value2 [break;] ...

  7. 21 de abr. de 2022 · Artículo original escrito por: Jessica Wilkins Artículo original: JavaScript Switch Case – JS Switch Statement Example Traducido y adaptado por: Rafael D. Hernandez