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  1. Export Comic Data With Images Reimport a saved comic later from an image! Only works if you save the image file locally. "Optimized" removes custom sprites to save space.

  2. ¡Crear un cómic de RALR, y compártelo con tus amigos! Exportar datos de cómics con imágenes ¡Vuelve a importar un cómic más tarde desde una imagen! Solo funciona si guardas el archivo de imagen.

  3. ¡Leer cómics, encuentra creadores, o crear una establecido de tu seria favorita a! Follow @syrupyypluto

  4. Sprite Resize LockDisable this to be able to stretch sprites.On PC, you can also do this by holding Shift. Enable Flipbook ModeMake frame-by-frame sprite animations!Enabling this will shrink your comic to 1 panel. Lightbox (Onion Skin)Show the next and previous frame while editing.

  5. Create your own Alphabet Lore characters in this studio! This is the classic edition of CYOALCS. Use the new version:

  6. Create comics with Russian alphabet lore characters and send them to your friends!

  7. use characters from RALR and make comics to send to your friends.