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  1. 6 de jun. de 2014 · An Imperial Affliction is not a real book, and Peter Van Houten is not a real person. However, An Imperial Affliction is in some ways based on two books I love.

  2. 1 de dic. de 2018 · An Imperial Affliction is not a real book, and Peter Van Houten is not a real person. However, An Imperial Affliction is in some ways based on two books I love. The first is David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest.

  3. An Imperial Affliction is not a real book, and Peter Van Houten is not a real person. However, An Imperial Affliction is in some ways based on two books I love. The first is David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest.

  4. The main character of An Imperial Affliction is Anna, who is later revealed to be based on Peter Van Houten's daughter, Anna Van Houten. Anna has a rare type of blood cancer, but is in remission at the start of the book.

  5. Q: In the epigraph, you quote An Imperial Affliction, which isn’t a real book, just like F. Scott Fitzgerald quoted a made up poem in the epigraph of The Great Gatsby. Was this on purpose? Why?

  6. Augustus gives Hazel The Price of Dawn, and Hazel recommends An Imperial Affliction, a novel about a cancer-stricken girl named Anna that parallels Hazel's own experience. After Augustus finishes reading her book, he is frustrated upon learning that the novel ends abruptly without a conclusion, as if Anna had died suddenly.

  7. An Imperial Affliction. An Imperial Affliction has an abundance of metaphorical resonance throughout The Fault in Our Stars. To begin with, it represents the healing value of fiction. Hazel refers to it as her personal bible because it's the only account of living with cancer she's found that corresponds to her own experience.