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  1. The accidents caused by the domino effects are those inducing the most catastrophic consequences. The consequences of these latter are at various levels and may affect not only the industrial sites (activities, importance ...), but also people, environment and economy.

  2. 21 de jun. de 2021 · A model of multiple domino scenarios and the risk of the domino effect, which is a sequential chain escalating from the primary unit to the last unit, is presented in this paper.

  3. THE DOMINO EFFECT 75 Use dominoes to model a nerve cell’s transmission of a signal The Domino Effect Your nervous system does its job by transmitting information through the long bodies of individual nerve cells as electrical impulses. Falling dominoes can simulate how a nerve cell is triggered and how it sends its impulse from one

  4. This article introduces an approach developed by INERIS to better understand domino effects and help writers to integrate domino effects in hazard studies or in specific domino effect studies. This approach proposes the identification and assessment of domino scenarios. It follows work accomplished

  5. Editorial. Efecto domino ́ en la calidad asistencial: mejorar un aspecto de una enfermedad puede mejorar todo el espectro. Domino Effect in Quality of Care: Improving One Aspect of a Disease Can Improve Its Entire Spectrum. Rosa-Maria Lido ́ n* Servicio de Cardiologı ́a, Hospital General Universitario Vall dHebron, Barcelona, Espan ̃a.

  6. 22 de mar. de 2024 · El efecto dominó es una reacción en cadena que ocurre cuando un evento desencadena una serie de eventos similares, relacionados o conectados. Es una referencia a una serie de fichas de dominó en pie, cada una de las cuales derriba a la siguiente, creando una reacción en cadena.

  7. The present study focused on the development of tools for the prevention of domino scenarios by an inherent approach in new and existing plants, aiming to the development of simplified criteria for the assessment of safety distances and of critical inventories with respect to the escalation of fires and explosions.