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  1. En la lengua inglesa, los periodos del día se dividen en morning, afternoon, evening y night, y es importante saber cómo se dice mañana, tarde y noche en inglés para poder expresarnos con claridad.

  2. Morning 5 am to 12 pm (noon) Early morning 5 to 8 am. Late morning 11 am to 12pm. Afternoon 12 pm to 5 pm. Early afternoon 1 to 3pm. Late afternoon 4 to 5pm. Evening 5 pm to 9 pm. Early evening 5 to 7 pm. Night 9 pm to 4 am.

  3. Good morning (used until midday/noon) Good afternoon (from midday/noon until sunset) Good evening (from sunset) Good night is NOT used as a greeting. Good night is only used when you leave a place, when you say goodbye to someone, or when someone goes to bed.

  4. Here are 7 important times or parts of the day in English. MIDNIGHT This is the middle of the night (00:00 hours). MIDDAY This is the middle of the day, also called "NOON" (12:00 hours). MORNING This is the time from midnight to midday. AFTERNOON This is the time from midday (noon) to evening.

  5. Pero, además, hablamos sobre las PARTES DEL DÍA en inglés (morning, afternoon, evening, night) y cómo referirnos a ellas: de qué hora a qué hora va cada parte del día en inglés y cómo saludar dependiendo de la hora que sea.

  6. La diferencia entre morning, afternoon, evening y night y a qué hora se utiliza cada palabra. Cuando decir good morning, good afternoon, good evening y good night.

  7. 3 de jun. de 2024 · Learn how to say different times of the day and parts of the day in English with pictures and examples. Find out the meanings and usage of dawn, dusk, noon, midnight and more.