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  1. The get method returns the value of the variable name. The set method takes a parameter (newName) and assigns it to the name variable. The this keyword is used to refer to the current object. However, as the name variable is declared as private, we cannot access it from outside this class:

  2. A JavaScript Set is a collection of unique values. Each value can only occur once in a Set. The values can be of any type, primitive values or objects. How to Create a Set. You can create a JavaScript Set by: Passing an array to new Set() Create an empty set and use add() to add values. The new Set () Method.

  3. Property getters and setters are special methods that provide you with a way to get or set the values of an object's properties. Unlike traditional property access, these methods allow for additional logic to be executed during property access, enabling more control over how values are set or returned.

  4. Use the get and set keywords to define the JavaScript getters and setters for a class or an object. The get keyword binds an object property to a method that will be invoked when that property is looked up.

  5. Los get y los set de los que nos ocupamos en este artículo son útiles básicamente para realizar el acceso a propiedades de los objetos que son resultado de computar otras propiedades existentes. El ejemplo más claro de setters y getters en Javascript lo tenemos con el objeto persona.

  6. 13 de abr. de 2022 · Accessor properties are represented by “getter” and “setter” methods. In an object literal they are denoted by get and set: let obj = { get propName() { // getter, the code executed on getting obj.propName }, set propName(value) { // setter, the code executed on setting obj.propName = value } };

  7. Metodos Getter y Setter. Tanto set en java como el método get, se utilizan en la programación orientada a objetos para realizar dos tareas fundamentales. Ya vimos como crear una clase persona y además, creamos objetos de tipo persona desde el método main tanto con el constructor por defecto, como con constructores personalizados.