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  1. › wiki › ZionismZionism - Wikipedia

    Zionists worked to modernize Hebrew and adapt it for everyday use. They sometimes refused to speak Yiddish, a language they thought had developed in the context of European persecution. Once they moved to Israel, many Zionists refused to speak their (diasporic) mother tongues and adopted new, Hebrew names.

  2. El sionismo constituye una rama del fenómeno más amplio del nacionalismo moderno. 6 7 Descrito como un «nacionalismo en la diáspora» y opuesto al asimilacionismo, 8 el sionismo se autodefine como un movimiento de liberación nacional, 9 cuyo objetivo es la libre autodeterminación del pueblo judío.

  3. Zionism and World War II. Many Jews living in Russia and Europe suffered horrific persecution and death during Russian pogroms and under Nazi rule. Most historians estimate that about 6 million...

  4. As an organized nationalist movement, Zionismis generally considered to have been founded by Theodor Herzlin 1897. However, the history of Zionismbegan earlier and is intertwined with Jewish historyand Judaism. The organizations of Hovevei Zion(lit.

  5. The roots of Zionism lay in Eastern Europe, notably within the confines of the Russian Empire. It was there, towards the end of the 19th century, that the largest and, in many ways, the most dynamic of Jewish communities was located — though it was also the most troubled.

  6. The Anti-Defamation League defines the concept this way: “Zionism is the movement for the self-determination and statehood for the Jewish people in their ancestral homeland, the land of Israel.

  7. Zionism , Jewish nationalism movement with the goal of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine. In the 16th–17th century, a number of “messiahs” tried to persuade the Jews to return to Palestine, but by the late 18th century interest had largely faded.